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Satan and Rainbows

Apr 27, 2018

The 80s are over and so is the Golden Age of Heavy Metal. Can Judas Priest survive legal troubles and changing musical tastes at the dawn of a new decade? Let's find out as we dive into Painkiller (1990).

New episodes every Friday! Facebook: @satanandrainbows Twitter: @SatanRainbowPod Email:...

Apr 20, 2018

Judas Priest's 11th album is one of the most disdained in their entire catalog. But there's also a lot to like, even love, about it if one looks close enough. And you know we will! Time to close out the 80s with Ram it Down (1988).

New episodes every Friday!

Facebook: @satanandrainbows

Twitter: @SatanRainbowPod


Apr 13, 2018

There's some brilliant synthesizer work here, but is that enough to save Judas Priest's "sellout" album? Join us as we break down Turbo (1986).

New episodes every Friday! Facebook: @satanandrainbows Twitter: @SatanRainbowPod Email:

Apr 6, 2018

We've reached the halfway point of our series on Judas Priest! Join us as we hear the band take some chances (and make some enemies) on Defenders of the Faith (1984).

New episodes every Friday! Facebook: @satanandrainbows Twitter: @SatanRainbowPod Email: